Carnegie-Stout presents Troubled Water (2008)
Directed by Erik Poppes, "Troubled Water" is a Norwegian drama about a man who becomes a church organist after serving time in prison, and a distraught mother who recognizes the organist as her child's killer.
The film is two hours long and is in Norwegian with English subtitles.
WHO: Carnegie-Stout Public Library
WHAT: "Troubled Water"
WHERE: 3rd Floor Auditorium
WHEN: Thursday January 14th @ 6PM
Popcorn, candy, and water/soda will be offered free.
See you at the movies!
The film is two hours long and is in Norwegian with English subtitles.
WHO: Carnegie-Stout Public Library
WHAT: "Troubled Water"
WHERE: 3rd Floor Auditorium
WHEN: Thursday January 14th @ 6PM
Popcorn, candy, and water/soda will be offered free.
See you at the movies!